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Postnatal Care Impact Factor
Postnatal period can be described as the first six to eight weeks after birth. Postnatal care should be a continuation of the treatment provided to the mother during her pregnancy , childbirth, and birth and should take into account the particular needs and desires of the patient.
It should aim at creating a supportive environment in which families are guided by professionals on how to care for their baby and themselves and recognize and act on any deviation from normal. Midwifery treatment can extend for the entire postnatal period or for part thereof. In the absence of any physical, mental , social or psychological risk factors or issues, it is expected that by day 10-14 after birth, women will be released to GP and Health Visitor care. It is important that care is planned according to the individual needs of the woman and her baby and these plans are communicated to all relevant professional groups which may be involved in the care of her and her baby.