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Peer-review Journals In Cytogenetics

Cytogenetics is a branch of pathology and genetics concerned with the study of normal chromosomes and chromosome aberrations. Classical cytogenetics allows microscopic visualization of whole chromosomes in order to assess their number and structure .Cytogenetics is essentially a branch of genetics, but is also a part of cell biology/cytology, that is concerned with how the chromosomes relate to cell behaviour, particularly to their behaviour during mitosis and meiosis. Cytogenetics involves the examination of chromosomes to identify structural abnormalities. Chromosomes of a dividing human cell can be analysed clearly in white blood cells, specifically T lymphocytes, which are easily collected from blood. Cytogenetics involves testing samples of tissue, blood, or bone marrow in a laboratory to look for changes in chromosomes, including broken, missing, rearranged, or extra chromosomes. ... Cytogenetics may be used to help diagnose a disease or condition, plan treatment, or find out how well treatment is working. Molecular cytogenetics uses specialized techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) to evaluate sub microscopic chromosomal regions. Both classical and molecular cytogenetic techniques are used to investigate constitutional and acquired chromosome abnormalities. Most recently, next-generation sequencing has been added to the cytogenetic lab arsenal, to allow exact identification of breakpoints in chromosome rearrangements. Each of these techniques will be discussed in more detail in subsequent sections. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, Molecular Cytogenetics, Comparative Cytogenetics.   

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