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Pediatric HIV-Infection

 The human immunodeficiency infection (HIV) causes (AIDS). HIV can be transmitted during sex, pregnancy (i.e., from mother to embryo), labor, breastfeeding, and different types of presentation to organic liquids that convey the infection. At the point when the infection enters the body, it infuses itself into imperative invulnerable cells called CD4 cells. Without treatment, HIV keeps on imitating itself inside the body, in the long run prompting extreme immunodeficiency, constant ailment, and demise.    Helps speaks to a propelled phase of HIV disease. Much of the time, an individual living with HIV inevitably creates AIDS. Helps is portrayed by seriously decreased resistant framework work, where the body is exceptionally defenseless against contaminations and malignancies that are regularly warded off by a sound invulnerable framework. As characterized by the U.S. Habitats for Disease Control and Prevention, an individual has AIDS when HIV has radically decreased their CD4 cell tally, or when an individual living with HIV is determined to have in any event one deft contamination (i.e., a contamination that doesn't ordinarily happen in somebody with a sound resistant framework).

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