Molecular Detection

The molecular detection of natural agents is traditionally based on the use of quantitative real-time PCR, which includes commercially available materials that can be used in a lab or online environment. Converting this technology into field applications requires innovation to determine size, weight and energy requirements. Produced, available tools, efficient energy sources, dried reagents, communication channels, and standard operating procedures for trained users are some limitations samples that are defeated to allow data based on qPCR production for the purpose of need. In addition to the high specificity and sensitivity of qPCR, the ribs require information based on the natural agent sequence in the style and reproducibility of targeted target genes and primers. However, in many cases the etiological agent may be unknown and the identification of the pathogen must be believed by the use of a non-specific diagnostic method. By extracting, preparing, and sequencing all genomic material during a specific sample, called met genomics, a non-discriminatory view of the biological structures in which the sample can be identified. To review the status of qPCR and sequencing within the field, we summarized the discussion from the 2019 ASC Biothosecurity Conference. Our discussion focused on the concept, evolution, and comparison of molecular mechanisms in biological agents and their use within the field.

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