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High Impact Pharmaceutical Care Journals

 Pharmaceutical Care is a patient-centered, results-oriented pharmacy profession that allows the pharmacist to collaborate with the patient and other health care professionals to promote safety, prevent disease, and assess, track, facilitate and change medication usage to ensure that medication regimens are safe and effective. The goal of Pharmaceutical Care is to improve the health-related quality of life of the patient and to achieve successful clinical results with reasonable economic costs. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Research is one of the journals with High Impact in the area with pharmaceutical care. The Pharmaceutical Research Project offers a forum for the dissemination of new studies in pharmacy and related fields. At present, our primary research objective is to encourage and assist the development of better and faster measures of scientific activity. For situations where we assume that we can make a significant difference, as opposed to promoting the work of others, we are creating our own measurements of scientific activity. Pharmaceutical care is a journal dedicated to the production of analysis, insights and data on issues of importance in the understanding of pharmaceutical care. The Pharmaceutical Care Journal of Trade Science Inc. is an open access publication that aims to release issues on a quarterly basis and is dedicated to reporting new research in the area of Pharmaceutical Care.  

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in Chemistry