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Gene Pool High Impact Factor Journals

Collection of ready of genes and its genetic information during a population of a specific species is named as gene pool. Extensive genetic diversity is often seen in large gene pool. High-impact journals are those considered to be highly influential in their respective fields. The impact factor of journal provides quantitative assessment tool for grading, evaluating, sorting and comparing journals of comparable kind. It reflects the typical number of citations to recent articles published in science and science journals during a particular year or period, and is usually used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. It’s first devised by Eugene Garfield, the founding father of the Institute for Scientific Information. The composition of a population’s gene pool can change over time through evolution. This will occur by a spread of mechanisms, including mutations, survival, and genetic drift. The result's a gene pool that's altered to be attuned to the requirements of the population’s specific environment. For instance, the migration of human populations from equatorial regions toward northern climates, where they were exposed to relatively low amounts of sunlight, resulted in changes over time in skin pigmentation, with skin becoming lighter in colour to reinforce vitamin D absorption (vitamin D is critical for correct bone development). The genetic modifications underlying the change in pigmentation ultimately became a neighbourhood of the many of these populations’ gene pools. The ability of a population to adapt and evolve is assumed to be influenced partially by the dimensions of its gene pool. An outsized and diverse gene pool, for instance, may improve a population’s chances for future adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Populations with smaller, narrower gene pools, on the opposite hand, could also be less successful when confronted with swift environmental change.

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in General Science

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Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 875

BioTechnology: An Indian Journal received 875 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • CASS
  • Google Scholar
  • Open J Gate
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
  • CiteFactor
  • Cosmos IF
  • Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)
  • Secret Search Engine Labs
  • Euro Pub

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