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Gastrografin is an X-ray contrast medium that acts like an X-ray dye when X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract are being taken. It is provided as a solution for drinking or diluted for use as an enema. Gastrografin has a sweet taste. All X-ray contrast mediums, including Gastrografin, contain iodine. X-rays are able to pass through bones in your body and thus produce a ‘picture’, but X-rays are unable to pass through the iodine in contrast agents. Gastrografin enables the radiologist to see the gastrointestinal tract more clearly. Gastrografin is often used when a barium enema or meal cannot be used. It is sometimes added to barium to improve the X-ray picture. Gastrografin is sometimes used to treat meconium ileus, a specific type of bowel blockage.  

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