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Fertility Rate

 The most commonly used metric is the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) – or often simply 'fertility rate' – which measures the average number of children per woman. The global average fertility rate is just below 2.5 children per woman today. The total fertility rate can be calculated using age-specific birth rates. An age-specific birth rate is the number of babies born within a 5-year increment during reproductive years. The TFR is the calculation of adding up all the age-specific birth rates for a population and multiplying by five. With a fertility rate of almost 7 children per woman, Niger is the country with the highest fertility rate in the world followed by Mali. The total population of Niger is growing at a fast pace. The fertility rate measures the number of births per 1,000 women of childbearing age (ages 15 to 44) occurring in a particular year; birth rates refer to this measure within particular age groups.  

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