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Femoral Nerve

 The femoral nerve is a nerve in the thigh that provisions skin on the upper thigh and inward leg, and the muscles that broaden the knee. Femoral nerve is the significant nerve providing the front compartment of the thigh. It is the biggest part of the lumbar plexus, and emerges from the dorsal divisions of the ventral rami of the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves (L2, L3, and L4).   The nerve enters Scarpa's triangle by going underneath the inguinal tendon, only sidelong to the femoral supply route. In the thigh, the nerve lies in a section between iliacus muscle and psoas significant muscles, outside the femoral sheath, and horizontal to the femoral supply route. After a short course of around 4 cm in the thigh, the nerve is partitioned into front and back divisions, isolated by horizontal femoral circumflex supply route. The branches are demonstrated below:   Solid branches :The nerve to the Pectineus emerges promptly over the inguinal tendon from the average side of the femoral nerve, and goes behind the femoral sheath to enter the front surface of the muscle.

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