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Electrophoresis is that the motion of dispersed phase relative to a fluid under the influence of a spatially uniform field. Electrophoresis of charged particles (cations) is usually called cataphoresis, while electrophoresis of charged particles (anions) is usually called anaphoresis. The electrokinetic phenomenon of electrophoresis was observed for the primary time in 1807 by Russian professors Peter Ivanovich Strakhov and Ferdinand Frederic Reuss at Moscow University, who noticed that the appliance of a continuing field caused clay particles dispersed in water to migrate. It's ultimately caused by the presence of a charged interface between the particle surface and therefore the surrounding fluid. It's the idea for analytical techniques utilized in chemistry for separating molecules by size, charge, or binding affinity. Electrophoresis is employed in laboratories to separate macromolecules supported size. The technique applies a charge so proteins move towards a charge. Electrophoresis is employed extensively in DNA, RNA and protein analysis.

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