
Biogenesis is the production of new living organisms or organelles. All living organisms are originated from living organisms; this is called theory of biogenesis proved by Louis Pasteur, who has disproved abiogenesis. Organelelle or organ regeneration is called as organ biogenesis. Totipotent cells play a vital role in organ biogenesis. For example some salamanders and lizards can regenerate the entire organ if they lost in an accident. Highly evolved organisms like mammals cannot have biogenesis of their lost parts except liver which can be regenerated. Open access OMICS International Publishing Group aimed to provide the readers a barrier free flow of research work and conceptualized knowledge through online. To speed up the pace of scientific innovations, discovery, quality enriched education system and increase the global economy, open access is a key to success in dissemination of knowledge to world community. Bioenergetics: Open Access is one such open access journal from OMICS Group, publishing the research, review, case reports, short commentaries and editorials pertaining to the field of biochemistry, physiology, metabolism, energy related process in the living organisms and exercise physiology on quarterly basis for its readers. Today in the field of competition, quality of articles publishing in the journal per issue is very important with a rapid peer review process. Bioenergetics: Open Access journal trying to bring such quality in the articles published per issue with its broader conceptualized editorial board and with the expertise reviewers.

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