All submissions of the EM system will be redirected to Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission System of respective journal.
Advertising- Scholarly -journal
Advertising is a way of contact between a product or service 's customers. Advertisements that are paid for by those who send them and intended to educate or influence people who receive them, as described by the UK 's Advertising Association. Paper, Newspaper ads will market the company to a wide client base.
Advertising is intended to educate consumers of their product and to reassure customers that the services or goods of a business are the best, to improve the company's reputation, to point out and generate a demand for products or services, to show new uses for existing products, to reveal new products and programmes.
The three main advertising goals are to inform, convince and remind the audience about the product or service and thus encourage the audience to make a purchase decision.
Advertising types:Magazine, radio , television, outdoor and transit directories, direct mail, catalogs and flyers, online.
Scholarly journals function as forums for introducing and presenting the latest research to be scrutinised, and thus criticizing existing research. Material usually takes the form of papers that present original research, summary posts, and reviews of the books. The term scholarly journal applies to all fields of scholarly publications.