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, Volume: 18( 1) DOI: 10.37532/0972-768X.2020.18(1).307

International Conference on Petro Chemistry and Oil Market analysis 2020.


Summary of Oil and Gas Conference

International Conference on Petro Chemistry and Oil Gas Marketing 2020 will be the leading forum for all recent advancements in geology and geosciences. It will place a forum where the foremost academic scientists, geologists, young researchers from all over the world together where they will to exchange and share their experiences and research results. Throughout the two-day conference, attendees will hear from International leaders on how technology is changing day-to-day business throughout the industry. It provides a unique platform for networking with peers and learning from speakers that are experts in oilfield technology. We welcome all the contributors and participants to join us at the Petro Chemistry 2020, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with experts from around the world. Participants will have a platform to learn and implement key findings from real-life case studies which will also be helpful in expanding your customer base and do business with the key decision makers in your field and share ideas and grow your network with leaders in oil and gas exploration and production, drilling, refining, and pipelines .Resolve issues within the sphere of compliance maintenance.

Importance & Scope

Oil and Gas attains greater global significance as the world economy has been developing with oil as its lifeblood for over a hundred years. Oil is directly responsible for about 2.5% of world GDP, but accounts for 1/3rd of humanity’s primary energy supply (>5 terawatts out of 15 terawatts total). It’s over half if you include natural gas.

Oil/gas powers 100% of all transportation, within a few significant figures of rounding error. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that modern civilization would collapse in a matter of months if oil stopped flowing.

It is hard to imagine industrial operations or even private activities without oil and gas – anywhere in the world. Not only do they supply energy for heat and power, they are also found in everyday items, such as medicines, plastics, and clothing.

Why Italy

Italy has a diversified industrial economy, which is divided into a developed industrial north, dominated by private companies. welfare-dependent, agricultural south. The Italian economy is driven in large part by the manufacture of high-quality consumer goods produced by small and medium-sized enterprises. Italy is the 4th-largest national economy in Europe, the 8th-largest by nominal GDP in the world, and the 12th-largest by GDP (PPP). The country is a founding member of the European Union, the Eurozone, the OECD, the G7 and the G8. Italy is the eighth largest exporter in the world with $514 billion exported in 2015. Its closest trade ties are with the other countries of the European Union, with whom it conducts about 59% of its total trade. The largest trading partners, in order of market share, are Germany (12.6%), France (11.1%), United States (6.8%), Switzerland (5.7%), United Kingdom (4.7%), and Spain (4.4%).

In the post-war period, Italy was transformed from an agricultural based economy which had been severely affected by the consequences of the World Wars, into one of the world's most industrialized nations, and a leading country in world trade and exports. According to the Human Development Index, the country enjoys a very high standard of living, and has the world's 8th highest quality of life according to The Economist.Italy owns the world's third-largest gold reserve,and is the third net contributor to the budget of the European Union. The country is also well known for its influential and innovative business economic sector, an industrious (Italy is the second largest manufacturer in Europe behind Germany) and competitive agricultural sector (Italy is the world's largest wine producer),and for its creative and high-quality automobile, naval, industrial, appliance and fashion design. Italy is the largest market for luxury goods in Europe (third in the world).

Italy hosts a broad variety of universities, colleges and academies. Founded in 1088, the University of Bologna is likely the oldest in the world. In 2009, the University of Bologna is, according to The Times, the only Italian college in the top 200 World Universities. Milan's Bocconi University has been ranked among the top 20 best business schools in the world by The Wall Street Journal international rankings, especially thanks to its M.B.A. program, which in 2007 placed it no. 17 in the world in terms of graduate recruitment preference by major multinational companies. According to National Science Indicators (1981–2002), a database produced by Research Services Group containing listings of output and citation statistics for more than 90 countries, Italy has an above-average output of scientific papers (in terms of number of papers written with at least one author being from Italy) in space science (9.75% of papers in the world being from Italy), mathematics (5.51% of papers in the world), computer science, neurosciences, and physics; the lowest, but still slightly above world-average.

Conference Highlights

• Oil Formation

• Oil Refining

• Upstream Processes

• Midstream Facilities

• Downstream Operations

• Exploration and Production

• Biofuels and Hydrocarbons

• Petroleum and Petrochemicals

• Oil and Gas Impacts

• Global Oil and Gas

• Advanced Scientific Know-How

Business Transformation

• GIS and Remote Sensing

Health and Safety

• Regulations and Ethics

• Entrepreneur Investment Meet

Why to attend???

Oil Gas Expo-2016 aims to place a forum where the foremost academic scientists, geologists, young researchers from all over the world together where they will to exchange and share their experiences and research results. The conference will be the leading forum for all recent advancements in Oil and Gas Fields. Throughout the two-day conference, attendees will hear from International leaders on how technology is changing day-to-day business throughout the industry. It provides a unique platform for networking with peers and learning from speakers that are experts in oilfield technology. The important features of this conference are well organized workshops, events and symposia, poster presentations and world class exhibits, panel discussions & interactive sessions, collaborative research opportunities.

Members Associated with Oil and Gas Research

People are working on oil and gas research along with many individual institutes, associations & societies, government bodies, in that most of them are professors, post-doc’s, PhD students along with individual scientists in the field of oil and gas research. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Oil and Gas .

Major Geological Associations in Italy

• Society of Petroleum Engineers Association(SPE)

• AISI - Associazione Imprese Subacquee Italiane

• The European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)

• Unione Petrolifera

Top Universities in Italy

• GE Oil & Gas University

• University Bocconi

• Italian Research Institute

• Atrayu Institute of Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas Market Analysis

During the period The United States delivered on the unexpected promise it had been showing over the past few years to become the world’s leading oil and gas producer as its crude oil production rose to 11.7 million barrels per day.9 Weekly data released in December also showed record exports that propelled the United States into the novel role of being a net oil and oil-derived liquids exporter for the first time in three quarters of a century.10 However, a second multiyear buildup—in oil prices andconfidence—auguring a boom in M&A activity, faltered in 2018. After steadily increasing since 2016 to reach a four-year high at the beginning of October, oil prices fell by 40 percent in the last quarter of the year (figure 1). In addition to the price decline, volatility increased, with a series of “rare and large price declines”11 in November and December. In another flip, the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) market, which had been in backwardation for most of the year, entered contango at the end of 2018, suggesting fears of coming oversupply. The Brent market contango also widened. Due to infrastructure constraints in the United States, the Brent-WTI spread remained in the range of $6–10/bbl.

Crude oil prices precipitously fell and volatilized at the end of 2018


Petro Chemistry 2020 attains greater global significance as the world economy has been developing with oil as its lifeblood for over a hundred years. Oil is directly responsible for about 2.5% of world GDP, but accounts for 1/3rd of humanity’s primary energy supply (>5 terawatts out of 15 terawatts total). It’s over half if you include natural gas.

Oil/gas powers 100% of all transportation, within a few significant figures of rounding error. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that modern civilization would collapse in a matter of months if oil stopped flowing.

It is hard to imagine industrial operations or even private activities without oil and gas – anywhere in the world. Not only do they supply energy for heat and power, they are also found in everyday items, such as medicines, plastics, and clothing.

During the period of 2009-2014, the global Oil and Gas market has generated about $5 trillion in revenue and has posted a strong growth of 11.9%. During the same period the U.S market generated $730 billion in revenue and has generated a growth of 7.6%.

Oil and gas are also important for the number of jobs they provide. Tens of thousands of people work in the oil and gas industry. Each week Britain produces about two million tonnes of oil and gas. This is worth about £37 million pounds a day to the people of Britain.

Currently, oil accounts for around 40 per cent of the world energy mix. Gas currently accounts for around 23 per cent of the world’s commercial energy mix.

Using the reference case from OPEC’s World Energy Model, projections show global oil demand rising by 38 million barrels a day to 115 mb/d by 2025 — an annual average growth rate of 1.7 per cent.

OECD countries will continue to account for the largest share of world oil demand. However, almost three-quarters of the increase in demand of 38 mb/d over the period 2002–25 will come from developing countries, whose consumption will almost double. Asian countries will remain the key source of oil demand increase in the developing world, with China and India central to this growth.

International Conference on Petro Chemistry 2020 at Rome, Italy with a theme “Overcoming Challenges in Petroleum and Oil-Gas Technology”. Italy is hosting Petro chemistry 2020 as in the Northern Emirates , by far the largest market for gas is Rome, the trading and commercial hub of the Italy.

Italy Oil and Gas – an environmentally sound future having established itself as one of the major players in the international oil and gas industry and an innovator in intra-Gulf cooperation, Italy is setting its sights on responsible, secure and environmentally safe development in the century ahead. Leading figures in the Italy's oil industry believe that further study is needed to see how the continued expanded use of oil as a power source could be made to be compatible with the growing awareness and concern around the world about preserving the environment.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 9398

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 9398 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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