, Volume: 17( 10)Ephemeral, Perpetual Diversity in Giraffa Camelopardalis
Soham Mohan Dalal
Department of Faculty for Higher Education, ST. Teresa’s convent higher school, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Citation: Soham Mohan Dalal. Ephemeral, Perpetual Diversity in Giraffa Camelopardalis. J Environ Sci. 2021;17(8):200.
The purpose of the study is to respond to the change in the posture of giraffes according to its two kinds of properties in the whole evolutionary process. Why giraffe has a long neck? Why do not have shorter ones? Are there any groups of giraffes? Who initially possesses the interim height or perpetual height? Lamarck's discussion of heredity He gave an imagined illustration of the idea that when giraffes stretch their neck to browse leaves high in a tree, they would strengthen and gradually lengthen their neck. This giraffe would then have offspring with a slightly longer neck. The group of provisional, perpetual heights of giraffes was the classifications of living being giraffes as a part of evolution and the rest reason for its long neck. There were two groups of living species of giraffe one of them were categorized as a temporary height and the other as perpetual height. The whole theory is on the aspect of provisional height and perpetual height group of giraffes.
Keywords: Darwin's theory Lamarckism theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics; Axioms; Precision
Giraffa Camelopardalis is the world’s tallest mammal. Male giraffes (bulls) stand a total of 5.7 m from the ground to their horns: 3.3 m at the shoulders with a long neck of 2.4 m The Theory of Provisional, Perpetual Height model of Giraffe describes that one survives, lives, browses on trees for a portion of food but gradually decreases his height accordingly with time and became extinct at a certain time interval categorized as the interim height model and the other second perpetual height model of giraffe have perpetual height survives, lives for a period, over a while but does not seems to gradually decrease in height. we ponder that there are two kinds with two different properties and because its properties these two kinds suffer a change in their posture likewise a non-living matter a pencil and gadgets, the working of gadget does not show the change in posture but the pencil shows it recently. There are two models introduced with two different properties, and one linear change is observed. It is too important to have look at an earlier process of kinds of and leads to understanding the current global behavior. It is a comparative study on the environmental sciences of one species [1].
Materials and Methods
Giraffe Evolutionary process-Two disposition in giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis) a non-transient System of a Model B and Model A-momentary System
The evolutionary procedure is a gradual one and to show it clearly of two kinds of giraffe, we have two models A and B respectively. They started surviving as they are part of nature for the portion of food and were unknown about dissimilarities of height properties. In nature, they are striving for food along with their efforts of body elements and do have a similar posture but the property of growth is quite different. The process mentioned is abating of model "A" and model "B". The process is gradual. Here the model "B" we can't see the variation and won't till death. They both models grow to survive and have proper nourishments, no variation in health but part of the provisional property the model "A" is on the stage of extinction. Finally, the gradual abate process is completed and model "B" is still surviving in the present, and model "A" became extinct, gradually shortens in height as a part of the provisional property. The usage of inanimate electronic gadgets and the pencil is different but they are a matter in nature and also the effects of uses are different. The gadgets do not short their height in process of working but in the pencil, we can see the decrease in height after a period of usage. Similarly, our theory of provisional, perpetual height property of Giraffe manifests the sustainable Law, "the differences in the property of two giraffes are a function of kind of momentary and non-momentary classifications.” The one among them have the property of momentary height and do not seem to be seen in present and the other one is perpetual height and until the death with the same height [2].
Nature and Proposition in the theory with subsequent Axioms
Conjecture0.1: In the following sequence of gradually decreasing the length of the height of the "A" model the n is the initial year,are following years, where
the sequence extends forever until the extinction of the "A" model.
The product of the initial year to model B height is indirectly proportional to the height of model A.
The product of the secondary initial year to model B height is indirectly proportional to twice the height of model A.
The product of the infinite year to model B height is indirectly proportional to n times the height of model A.
Conjecture0.2: Energy of Model A is indirectly proportional to an arbitrary constant (t) at the period of Model A survival with his legacy of ephemeral property.
It is a supposition demonstrating the relation between energy (ATP) and random magnitude of time (unit-years) when Model A is impelled to its interim property.
Conjecture0.3: Mass (m) of Model A is directly proportional to the length of species (h) and akin to the energy(Ea).
Conjecture0.4: The difference of a height divided by n times to the n times of mass of model A is your Energy with index zero. Suppose a gradual change in mass and height of species resultant difference is nominal [3].
The eq. (3) estimates the how and why natures of ephemeral species, which survive for a short span and became extinct. The equational form describes the constant which is the remaining energy violation in the physical quantity called height and mass of model A due to its impermanence character [4].
The gradual decrease in height of model "A" became extinct due to the uncertainty of its characteristic of provisional height. As result, only the B model survive i.e. perpetual height group of the giraffe is in existence due to their characteristic of perpetual height. In the future, it is easy to classify the two groups of giraffes of the early decade. The property of both models is not the same and the composition is also different the state of those models is from the same species but before the evolution, they have two property namely provisional height and perpetual height respectively. Nature does ask the living creature to stop striving for the portion of food it is also the reason for having provisional property to model "A" through their ancestors. Nature has innumerable species including humans. Humans evolved from monkeys it is also seen that the vestigial pieces of evidence are matched to the other kinds and also it shows a sign of evolution from the kind [5]. Similarly, the climatic factors for living creatures shank a difference in the portion of food and malnutrition. Many factors are responsible for an evolution in nature but the commonly studied by us the two different kinds of properties highlights the manuscript notions and with the before studies on it, we conclude it. The work of Lamarckism The theory of acquired inheritance., Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Function graphs simple environment studies were studied by us and formed the manuscript. The current researchers of ecology across the world, I adjure you to have this topic more deeply on a global limit to determine the behavior of another species following the study and proceedings of these manuscripts. It is very useful to look at the species of nature with a study of giraffe's two kinds and it might result in success. As every species have different responses to nature but in evolution, we see many pieces of evidence like morphological, connecting links they showed the same ancestors properties. It might also be the same with two provisional, perpetual height properties applicable to other species study.
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