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, Volume: 9( 2) DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2021.9(2).209

Announcement: Call for Paper (Physics and Astronomy) ISSN: 2320

Amora Evans
Managing Editor, Journal of Physics and Astronomy United Kingdom,

Received: Feburary 05 ,2021; Accepted: Feburary 19 ,2021; Published: Feburary 19 ,2021

Citation: Amora Evans, Announcement: call for letter (Physics & Astronomy) ISSN:2320-6756. J Phys Astron.2021;9(3):209



Announcement: Call For Paper (Physics And Astronomy)

Physics and Astronomy (TSPA) is one of the preferred journals in the field of Physics. Physics and Astronomy is an open access peer reviewed journal that covers the publishing of all aspects of Physics & Astronomy, containing several highquality and unique articles, accepting manuscripts for Volume 9 Issue 3. The Journal aims at a broad interdisciplinary readership, which includes both academia and industries, and covers the broad fields like Asteroseismology, Atomic, Astrophysics, Molecular, Optical physics, Biophysics, Chemical physics, Condensed matter physics, Nuclear physics, Particle physics, Quantum physics, Thermodynamics Physical cosmology, Medical physics, Biophysics, Extragalactic Astronomy, Stellar Astronomy, Neutron astronomy, Black Hole, New Astronomical techniques and methods, Planets, Comets, Asteroids and Dust, Pulsar magnetospheres, Solar and Stellar physics, Space observation, Elementary particles and Exploration. Some important aspects are under the scope of this subject such as physics and astronomy is the astronomical instrumentation, astrophysics and their techniques that focus on the science that employs the methods and principles of physics in the study of astronomical objects and their phenomena.

Our Journal is indexed in the following:

• Open J Gate

• China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)

• Cosmos IF

• Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)

• Secret Search Engine Labs

The highlighted articles of our Journal’s recent issues are as follows:

Title Author Name Country
Is Dark matter the Cause of Cold in the Universe? Rogelio Perez Casadiego Colombia
On dark matter gravity force generated by the expansion of the universe Jesus Delso Spain
Conformally Flat, Quasi-Circular Numerical Simulations of the Chirp from Binary Neutron-Star Merger GW170817 G. J. Mathews United States
The Bernard Convection Triggering Mechanism for the Origin of the Universe Xingwu Xu  China

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Managing Editor

Journal of Physics & Astronomy