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, Volume: 19( 4)

4th International Conference on Organic Chemistry November 16-17, 2020 at Singapore City, Singapore

Njomza Ajvazi

Dr. Njomza Ajvazi PhD, Professor at the Alma Mater Europaea Campus †oeREZONANCA― and Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary at the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", Kosovo, Email:


We take great immense pleasure to thank all the eminent participants-researchers, speakers, Our supporters- Organizing Committee Members, editorial members of International journals, its associated journals, media partners, collaborators from various Internal Organizations and one & all from around the sphere who has taken part in the successful completion of “International Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry” held on July 26-27, 2019 at Vancouver, Canada hosted by Conference Series with the theme of “Emerging Tides in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry”.

The conference accomplished with various excited Scientific Sessions/ tracks and the keynote lecturers by the eminent professionals.

• Edward Lee Ruff, York University, Canada

• P Gregory Van Patten, Middle Tennessee State University, USA

• Yong Li Zhong, Merck & Company Inc., USA

• Maged Henary, Georgia State University, USA

• Xintao Wu, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, China

• Yuichi Shimazaki, College of Science Ibaraki University, Japan

• Saad Alotaibi, Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

• Jun Yin, Georgia State University, Atlanta

The massive successful response from the previous attendees boosted us come forward with another world-class conference called “4th International Conference on Organic Chemistry” which is going to be held on November 16-17, 2020 at Singapore City, Singapore with an innovative theme “Focusing on new methodologies and techniques in organic Chemistry’’ which stood as an another asset for the conference besides the highlights/scientific tracks like:

• Electro Organic Chemistry

• Organic Compounds- Stereochemistry

• Physical Organic Chemistry

• Organometallic & Inorganic compounds

• Organic Photochemistry

• Novel Organic Reactions and Process

• Computational Advances in Organic Chemistry

• Photo Redox and Organic Electrochemistry

• Biotransformation in Organic Chemistry

• Organic Synthesis and Technologies

• Nanoparticles in Organic Chemistry

• Environmental Organic Chemistry

• New Developments in Organic Chemistry

• Chemo selectivity and Lab Experiments in organic chemistry

• Organic catalysis and New Strategies

Organic Chemistry 2020 provides an opportunity for speakers from all over the world to fulfil their network, and understand new scientific research innovations in organic chemistry .This conference will have a plenary lectures, session lectures and poster presentations, scientific Exhibitions, panel discussions and the leading specialists involved in all the areas of Chemistry. Organic Chemistry 2020 will bring likeminded professionals together like Academicians, Pharmaceutical Professionals, Industry specialists, academic professionals and students from all over the world to share views and ideas and can improve their knowledge about the advanced techniques in the field of Organic Chemistry.

Organic Chemistry 2020 is specifically premeditated with a unifying axiom providing the pulpit to widen the imminent scientific creations.

Organic Chemistry 2020 hosted by Conference series LLC Ltd with years of excellence for a prestigious aim to conduct conferences and publish articles within the realm of business and management, Stepping ahead with an idea of honouring the presenters for their best lectures at the conference with the following:

• Best Keynote Speaker

• Best Speaker

• Best Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc Thesis work presentation

• Best Poster Award

• Young Researcher Forum award

Now, esteemed Organic Chemistry 2020 with pronounced pride is inviting all eminent personalities of various Universities, societies and associations from all corners of the sphere to speak on their research and experience. Awaiting eminent keynote presentations, oral presentations, and poster presentations.

Supporting Journals:

• Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry

• Journal of Clinical and Bio analytical Chemistry


Hans Jurgen Federsel - Future of biocatalysis – Enzymatic reactions in continuous flow processes




Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 9398

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 9398 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Google Scholar
  • Open J Gate
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
  • Cosmos IF
  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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