Volatile oil composition and antimicrobial activity of the galls of Pistacia integerrima Stewart ex Brandis
Author(s): Shamim Ahmad, Mohammed Ali, Shahid H.AnsariPistacia integerrima Stewart ex Brandis (Pistaceaceae) is a moderatesized deciduous tree, found in the Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon. Its galls are aromatic, astringent and expectorant and prescribed to treat asthma, phthisis, ailments of the respiratory tract, dysentery, vomiting of children, skin diseases, nose-bleed, snake-bite, scorpion sting, psoriasis, fever, to increase appetite and to remove bed humors. The volatile oil of the galls is composed mainly of benzyl benzoate (52.1%), á-pinene (35.9%), â- caryophyllene (4.9%) and n-tetradecanoic acid (2.3%). Among twelve monoterpenes, there are nine monoterpene hydrocarbons (39.1%) and two monoterpene alcohols (0.3%). There were two sesquiterpenes (6.1%) and one fatty acid (2.3%). The volatile oil and ethanolic extract of the galls showed significant antimicrobial activity.
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