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Vis-Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Nateglinide

Author(s): A. Prameela Rani, C. Bala Sekaran, N. Archana, P. Siva Teja and B. aruna

Two spectrophotometric methods for the determination of nateglinide (NTG) in either pure form or in its pharmaceutical formulations are described. The first method is based on the reaction of 3- methylbenzothiazolin-2-one hydrazone (MBTH) with nateglinide in the presence of ferric chloride in acidic medium. The resulting blue complex absorbs at 7max 630 nm. The second method describes the charge transfer reaction between the drug and 8-chloranilic acid (8-CA) to yield a purple colored product with 7max at 480 nm. The reaction conditions were optimized to obtain maximum color intensity. The absorbance was found to increase linearly with increasing the concentration of NTG; the systems obeyed the Beer’s law in the range 2–10 and 5–25 =g mL–1 for MBTH and 8-CA methods, respectively. LOD and LOQ values for MBTH and 8-CA methods were 0.91, 2.7 and 2.6, 7.9 =g mL–1, respectively. The correlation coefficient values were found to be 0.9999 for both the methods. No interference was observed from common excipients present in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed methods are simple, sensitive, accurate and suitable for quality control applications.

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