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Visible Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Baclofen

Author(s): R. Mrutyunjaya Rao, T. Siva Rao, C. S. P. Sastry and U. Viplava Prasad

Three simple and sensitive methods (methods A, B and C) for the determination of baclofen (BC) in bulk samples and formulations are described. Mehod A (λmax 520 nm) is based on the reaction BC with safranin O (SFNO) to form an ion-association complex , which is extractable into chloroform aqueous phase; method B (λmax520 nm) is based on the reaction of drug BC with brucine and sodium metaperiodate (NaIO4) under acidic conditions forming coloured bruciquininone derivatives, while method C (λmax 450 nm) is based on the reaction of drug with 2,3-dichloro – 5-6-dicyno-1,4-benzo-quinone (DDQ). The concentration measurements are reproducible within a relative standard deviation of 1%.

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