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Variability in Physico-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water of North-East Zone of the Bhiwadi Industrial Area (Alwar)

Author(s): R. N. Yadav, Navin Kumar Dagar, Rajdeep Yadav and Priyanka Gupta

Ground water quality parameters of North–East zone of Bhiwadi industrial area (Alwar) Rajasthan were assessed in this study. Ground water samples were collected from different location of North–East zone and analysis of parameters such as pH, TDS, BOD, COD, DO, Fluoride, Nitrate, Sulphate, TH, TA, and heavy metals were carried. Finding parameters were compared with the WHO water quality parameters. It was found that some of the location under the study fall in polluted zone. The results shown that the areas which near to industries have polluted than the others.

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