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Validation of a method for the quantitation of MDMA in seized materials by spectrophotometric method

Author(s): B.Belafkih, S.Belouafa, M.Charrouf, A.Bennamara, A.Skalli, F.Slaoui, A.Abourriche

The identification and quantitation ofMDMA in seizedmaterials by police, gendarmerie, or customs is necessary for any legal case. Hence the results given must be rigorous, it is essential to work with validated procedures. Seeing that there is no reference method to validate the analysis of illicit substances in seized materials, a very rapid intern protocol was developed and validated according to the most recommended guidelines for analytical validation in Europe. This procedure helps verifying the linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantitationand precision of this method. Thus, twentysixtestedpills presentgood resultsforall of these parameters.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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