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Using of Agriculture Residue in Removing of Oil Spill

Author(s): Kamel S and El-Sakhawy M

Nowadays, the concern about the environment contamination possibility of petroleum oil extraction to its processing, transportation and storage has been increased. The petroleum industries are undoubtedly great responsible of environmental impacts. On the other hand, the importance of the petroleum in our society is widespread and fundamental, because besides being one of the main energy sources used to days, its derivatives are rawmaterials for the consumption of countless consumer goods. Many efforts have being accomplished to develop newalternatives to remediation petroleum contaminated sites. A number of agriculture residues are utilized as adsorbents. They are insoluble in water, have a good chemical stability and high mechanical strength, have possesses a granular structure, making them a good adsorbent material. The use of biomass sorbents, which are less expensive and more biodegradable than synthetic sorbents, in such a way is one of the primary research directions in the field of the environmental protection. When oil pollution does occur, the issue is not only the cleaning of the environment but also recovery of this precious commodity. Hence any oil absorbing material used must also be able to release the oil.

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