The ultraviolet radiationand the minimal erythemal dose in Maracaibo-Venezuela
Author(s): Jesus Cendr�������³s Guasch, Carlos Alberto Durante Rinc�������³nThe aim of this paper is to perform a statistical descriptive analysis of ultraviolet radiation and theenergy for Erythemal skineffectsin the city of Maracaibo during the period from June 2012 to July 2014. The data was recorded by the meteorological station Meteo Urbe - 1, located at the UniversidadDr. Rafael Belloso Chacin,Maracaibo,Venezuela. The analysis is performed through theUltraviolet Index (UVI) observed between 6:00 am. and 6:00 pm. The UVI values were located in ranges as high, very high and extreme by the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The energy calculated was over the energy required to produce erythema according to the type of skin for theMinimal Erythemal Dose (MED). Recommendations to be taken by citizens tominimize the effect of this radiation on humans, particularly in children and the elderly persons are made.Also, it was detected an inter-annual increase in the UVI of the area.
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