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The Study of Drinking Water Quality and Fluoride Content which Effected Area of Nalgonda District in the Area of Hyderabad

Author(s): L. V. Prasad, V. Vineetha, K. Aparna Shaik, Younous Khan and A. Ravi Kumar

Detailed studies have been made for testing the drinking water quality of the Nalgonda district area in Hyderabad. In this study, twenty spots were selected and samples of water were collected from open wells and public wells and tube-wells in the area. The various parameters such as pH, total dissolved solids, total hardness and magnesium hardness, calcium hardness, alkalinity, chlorides, flourides, nitrates, sulphates, carbonates and bicarbonates etc. were determined. Fluorides contents are high in Nalgonda district causing flurosis present in villages of Kamaguda, Yedavalli and Yellareddyguda. The hygienic conditions are very poor and were monitored and compared with different standard parameters. The analysis revealed that the water is not suitable for domestic and drinking purpose. Water of almost all the sampling area were highly contaminated with total dissolved solids (TDS) and nitrate. Total dissolved solids may cause gastro intestinal irritations and high concentration of nitrate in drinking water gives an immediate health concern for infants and pregnant women because nitrate in drinking water has been linked to methamoglobinamea or blue baby syndrome, in which the oxygen carrying capacity of an infant blood is greatly reduced, sometimes leading to death. Fluoride also causes florosis, irregular patches of black pigmentation on teeth, exostoses of skull. The findings have been discussed here.

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