The role of rural areas as leverage for renewable energy development in Morocco: The case of sidi taïbi village
Author(s): S.El Ahmadi, A.Echchelh, A.Laaraifi, M.El Ganaoui, A.ChaouchThis study focuses on the assessment ofMoroccoÂ’s ability to exploit natural resources (sun, wind...etc.) for decentralized energy production. This decentralizationwill free rural areas fromits power isolation. The aimof this study is also to demonstrate the role of the rural areas in leveraging the use and development of renewable energy also known as clean and alternative energy. The results and implications are based on the analysis and the treatment of data froma survey conducted in the rural town of Sidi Taïbi. In general, the high cost of equipment with limited funding resources for rural areas, the lack of information and lack of a structured market are the main limitations for renewable energiesÂ’ development. Thus, this research leads to twofold sets of results that also aim to optimize the use of renewable energies.
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