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The Creation of Well Hydraulic Technology of the Bituminous Breedsmining

Author(s): Zh. K. Shukhanova, E. S. Oryngozhin, A. N. Kutzhanova and A. M. Turebekova

In connection with growth of oil consumption, it is necessary to search for new sources of hydrocarbon raw materials and methods of their implicating in extraction and application sphere. Such raw materials are treated bituminous breeds containing high viscosity oil, bitumen, etc. In Kazakhstan on the territory of Atyrau, Aktyubinsk and Aktau areas, it is reconnoitered and registered over 100 deposits bituminous breeds. According to the preliminary data, on depths to 120 m lie down 15-20 billion t of bituminous breeds. The reconnoitered deposits of bituminous breeds whenever possible their workings out are divided into two types. The deposits which are lying down immediately on the surface or on small depth (to 50) are treated to the first which can be effectively developed by an open method. The deposits which are lying down on rather deep water are treated to the second type (more than 100 m). These deposits are reconnoitered less in details, working out by their open method is inexpedient because of great volumes stripping operations1 . Relatively low value of raw materials is economically unprofitable and their underground working out. For working out of deposits of the second type effectively are applied well hydraulic technology. Insufficient extend of exploration deposits of bituminous breeds and absence of great demand for these raw materials in the past have caused low level of technique and engineering of working out, shipment and application of bituminous breeds of Kazakhstan. The substantiation of the effective and nonconventional technology of working out of bituminous breeds, effective methods of open-cast mining of bituminous breeds with application of traditional set of the equipment taking into account features of physic mechanical properties of breeds during summer and winter time, possibility and perspectives of well techniques of working out of bituminous breeds, efficiency of designed techniques of extraction and application of bituminous breeds and bituminous emulsion to conduct their industrial trials and introduction2 . To define effect critical parameters on the Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 13(1), 2015 231 array for well technology of working out of bituminous breeds and to justify regularities and analytical dependences for definition of critical parameters of effect on the array. The complex of research methods, powering up is applied in the work: the analyzes of mountaingeological conditions folding of bituminous breeds and the contents in them of bitumen; the assaying of experience of working out of bituminous breeds; laboratory experimental researches on large-scale sample pieces; analytical and technical and economic calculations; trial inspection of designed techniques under production conditions. Result consists in the substantiation of new techniques of working out of bituminous breeds with deriving of considerable actual saving of means at their application at the mountain and building operations. The results of the work are realized at the mountain and building operations with the big saving of means. The substantiation of the rational parameters of open pits for working out of bituminous breeds, which are lying down on depths to 50 m, taking into account the basic features of physic mechanical properties of breeds, first of all high viscosity of their compartment from an array and low carrying capacity at vertical loads. The installation of nonlinear sedate dependences of well capacity geotechnologies of bituminous breeds from hydraulic fluid and pressure temperature on mounting attachments of hydromonitors. The efficiency

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