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The analysis of comprehensive measurement of the Poyang lake eco-economic zone’ urban agglomeration

Author(s): Decai Zhou, Yingyi Zou, Xiaoyong Lu

The Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone (PLEEZ) is the biggest Eco-economic Zone in China, and the urban agglomeration of it is developing very well. Analysis urban agglomeration compactness of it is very important for implementation the development of the urban agglomeration. In view of the previous scholars mainly using single variable measure to analysis urban agglomeration compactness in China, the aim of the study is to uses comprehensive measurement to analysis it. The study is to analyze its compacted growth within the past few years and offer some constructive suggestions and comments from the perspective of industry, space and transportation. The study concludes that the compactness of PLEEZ’ urban agglomeration is increasing gradually in a narrow range, Among this, the compactness of transportation is essentially flat, while the compactness of industry twists and turns up and the compactness of space was improved greatly.

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Citations : 875

BioTechnology: An Indian Journal received 875 citations as per Google Scholar report

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