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The analysis and study of the inherit mechanism of the minority’s traditional sports culture in the eastern hubei province

Author(s): Bing Zhang

The traditional sports culture of a country is the important showing of the advance extent in its social development, and it’s also a precious treasure of a nation. But the traditional sports culture started to be ignored by this technologically advanced social. To solve this problem in some region, this article studied the best tactics by the following steps: build the Analytic Hierarchy Model firstly, and figure out the proportion of the influential factors of considering the protection of nation feature tradition, protect the culture handed down from our ancestors, obtain the profit, social stability and so on in the inherit of the Minority’s traditional sports culture in the eastern Hubei Province. We figured out that in the aspect of the inherit of the Minority’s traditional sports culture in the eastern Hubei Province, private enterprise mostly have the purpose of profit gaining, but social organization mostly have the objective of social welfare creating, and so it reduced the enthusiasm. As the result, it needs the government’s intervene. Then we figured out the best tactics of the government, private enterprise and social organization in the problem of the inherit of the Minority’s traditional sports culture in the eastern Hubei Province by the Game Theory analysis and Evolutionary Stable Strategy analysis.

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Citations : 875

BioTechnology: An Indian Journal received 875 citations as per Google Scholar report

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