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Synthesis of Newer Mannich Bases of Quinoline Derivative for Antimicrobial Activity

Author(s): P. P. Jumade, S. J. Wadher, A. J. Chourasia, U. V. Kharabe, D. Mude and P. G. Yeole

Antimicrobial agents are widely used in the management of infectious disease but most of them have developed resistance to micro-organism. The cinchophen, which is water insoluble compound, has reported antimicrobial activity. To overcome this problem and to lower the side effects, many approaches can be utilized and Mannich base approach is one of them. In the present study, cinchophen having carboxylic acid (-COOH), group was converted to amide (-CONH2) and it is utilized to synthesize Mannich bases. At first cinchophen I, was synthesized by Doebnear synthesis, then it was converted to cinchophen chloride II, using oxalyl chloride. Cinchophen chloride was converted to cinchophen amide III, using ammonia. The Mannich bases IVa-e have been synthesized by reaction of cinchophen amide with formaldehyde and secondary amine. The prepared Mannich bases were subjected to physicochemical studies like melting point determination, TLC and % yield. The structures of Mannich bases were characterized by UV, IR, Mass and NMR spectroscopy. Antibacterial screening of newly synthesized compounds IVa-e was carried out against E. coli, P. aureoginosa, S. aureus and antifungal activity against C. albicans and A. niger according to cup-plate method.

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Citations : 9398

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