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Studies of Solvent Effect of Aquo-Methanol Solvent System on Kinetics and Activation Parameters of Base Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Ethyl Cinnamate

Author(s): Singh AK

The solvent effect of ethanol on the alkali catalyzed solvolysis reaction was studied by carring out of the hydrolysis of ester namely ethyl cinnamate in water-methanol media of varying composition consisting of 30 to 70% of methanol (v/v) at different Temperature ranging from 20°c to 70°c. The Specific rate constant values of the reaction were found to depleted with increasing concentration of methanol in reaction media. Enhancement in G* with simultaneous depletion in H* and S* of the reaction, it has been concluded that reaction is enthalpy stimulating and entropy inhibiting and specific salvation take place in water methanol media. From the evaluated value of Iso kinetic temperature, which is less than 300 indicates that this reaction in water-methanol media obey Barclay-Butler rule and there is weak but considerable solvent-solute interaction taking place in reaction media.

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Citations : 9398

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