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Spectrophotometric Methods for Estimation of Acenocoumarol in Bulk and its Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Author(s): A. S. Mehta, B. M. Gurupadayya, B. Gopinath,Y. N. Manohara and Akhilesh Chandra

Four simple, sensitive, accurate and precise visible spectrophotometric methods (A, B, C and D) have been developed for the quantitative estimation of acenocoumarol in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations (tablets). Method A is based on the reaction of reduced acenocoumarol with aromatic aldehyde, paradimethylamino cinnamaldehyde (PDACA) producing colored Schiff’s bases at the 7max 527.5 nm and. Method B is based on the reaction of reduced acenocoumarol with aromatic aldehyde, paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde (PDAB) in acidic condition producing colored Schiff’s bases having 7max at 441.5 nm. Method C is based on the oxidation followed by coupling reaction of reduced acenocoumarol with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH) in presence of ceric ammonium sulphate to form green colored chromogens at 7max 585.0 nm. Method D is based on the reaction of reduced acenocoumarol with Folin’s (1, 2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate) reagent to form brown colored chromogen with 7max at 480.0 nm. Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of 2-10 >g/mL for Method A, 5-25 >g/mL for method B, 20-100 >g/mL for Method C and 2-12 >g/mL for Method D. The reduction of acenocoumarol is carried out with zinc dust and hydrochloric acid at room temperature in methanol. The results obtained with proposed methods are in good agreement with labeled amounts when marketed pharmaceutical formulations are analyzed. The results of analysis have been validated statistically and by recovery studies

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