Spectrofluorometric determination of drugs containing á-methylene carbonyl functional group using N1-methylnicotinamide chloride as a fluorogenic agent
Author(s): RofaidaA.Salem,MohamedA. Eldawy,MohamedA. Elkersh, MervatH.El-HamamsyA simple spectrofluorometric method has been developed, adapted, and validated for analysis of certain drugs containing active methylene group adjacent to carbonyl functional group. This method was applied successfully for quantitative determination of drugs having cyclic á-methylene carbonyl groups in a cyclohexanone, cycloheptanone and macromolecular structures such as Naltrexone (I), Ketotifen (II), Oxcarbazepine (III) and Pimecrolimus (IV) respectively in various pharmaceutical dosage forms. The fluorescence of the products resulting fromthe reaction between tested drugs and N1-methylnicotinamide chloride (NMNCl) have been measured in pure pharmaceutical ingredient, laboratory-prepared mixtures, pharmaceutical dosage forms and spiked human plasma samples. The developed method is in line with all current compendial criteria. The proposedmethod is simple, with low instrumentation requirements, suitable for quality control application, bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.
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