Solubility in the Quaternary CaSO4˗CaCO3˗CaF2˗H2O System at 50ºC
Author(s): Soliev L, Mukhtorov P, Tursunbadalov SH, Usmonov MB, Djumayev MTBackground: The four-component system CaSO4Ë—CaCO3Ë—CaF2Ë—H2O is a subsystem of more complex six-component system Na, Ca SO4,CO3,HCO3,FË—H2O whose state of phase equilibria determines the conditions for utilization of liquid wastes of aluminum production. Aim: To investigate the solubility in the quaternary CaSO4Ë—CaCO3Ë—CaF2Ë—H2O system and construction of its solubility diagram at 50ºC. Methods: In the present work, the results of studying the quaternary CaSO4-CaCO3-CaF2-H2O system at 50°C using the solubility method, with the purpose of determining the concentration parameters at the position of its geometrical figures (fields, curves, points) and also establishing the ratio of crystallization fields of individual equilibrium solid phases are considered. Results: Due to the low solubility of salts under these conditions, which is accompanied by a shift of the position of the figurative points to the water angle, the concentration of water is in the ratio 1: 5.
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