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Solidification mechanisms occurring in horizontal continuous casting, part 1: preliminar experiences with a テ?ツ?テ?ツ?テ?ツ?テ?ツ?transparentテ?ツ?テ?ツ?テ?ツ?テ?ツ? apparatus

Author(s): Patrice Berthod, G.Lesoult

Many steel products are obtained by continuous casting. Several techniques are usually exploited, notably vertical continuous casting and horizontal continuous casting. The obtained ingots are generally affected by the appearance of periodic linear defects all around them which may induce problems for final products after lamination. The origin of these defects is known for the vertical continuous casting but this is not totally the case in horizontal casting. The purpose of this work is to look for explanations of the appearance of such external defects, by driving different types of experiences, either with Âテ窶堙や彡oldÂテ窶堙や apparatus or by Âテ窶堙や徂otÂテ窶堙や ones. In this first part this an automated apparatus working with {low fusion point}-transparent organic alloys which will be used. The experiences made with this device will clearly show that the first skin develops in two parts, a static one by direct solidification on the denuded mould wall and a dynamic one by growing along the denuded mold from the drawn already solidified part.

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Citations : 468

Materials Science: An Indian Journal received 468 citations as per Google Scholar report

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