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Simultaneous RP-HPLC determination of mebeverine HCl and chlorodiazepoxide in pharmaceutical preparations

Author(s): M.B.Kekare, M.P.Choukekar, V.V.Vaidya, G.R.Singh

A simple, fast and precise reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic method is developed for the simultaneous determination of mebeverine hcl and chlorodiazepoxide using methyl paraben as an internal standard. Chromatographic separation was performed on a waters symmetryC 18 column (150mm3.9mm, 5m) as stationary phasewith amobile phase comprising of 0.5%orthophosphoric acid in water : acetonitrile (50:50 v/v), at a flowrate of 0.7mLmin-1 andUVdetection at 216nm. The Retention time ofMebeverine hcl, chlorodiazepoxide and methyl parabenwere 3.067 min, 1.524 and 4.238 min respectively. The proposed method was validated for linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ. Linearity, accuracy and precision were found to be acceptable over the ranges of 337.5-1012.5g mL-1 for mebeverine hcl and 12.5-37.5gmL-1 for chlorodiazepoxide. It can be conveniently adopted for routine quality control analysis.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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