Simultaneous quantitation of lupeol and ï¢-sitosterol from the whole plant powder of Asteracantha longifolia Nees
Author(s): Sunita Shailajan, S.N.MenonA simple, sensitive and accurate high performance thin layer chromatographic method has been established for simultaneous quantitation of Lupeol and ï¢-sitosterol in the whole plant powder of Asteracantha longifolia Nees. This method was also used for estimation of â- sitosterol content in herbal formulations containing Asteracantha longifolia Nees. as an ingredient. A methanolic extract of the powder was used for the experimental work. Separation was performed on aluminium HPTLC plates coated with silica gel 60 F254 with toluene- ethyl acetate-methanol, 7.5+ 1.5+ 0.7 (v/v/v), asmobile phase.After development, the plateswere treatedwith Liebermann- Burchard reagent and detection and quantitation was performed by densitometry at 366 nm. The concentration of Lupeol and ï¢- sitosterol were found to be 0.162 mg g-1 and 0.045 mg g-1 respectively in the whole plant powder of Asteracantha longifolia Nees., while the concentration of â- sitosterolwas found to be 0.048mg g-1 and 0.039mg g-1 in Lukol and Speman formulations respectively. Both the methods were validated for linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness and can be used for routine quality control of Asteracantha longifolia Nees. whole plant powder to be used in the herbal formulation.
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