Self-medication pattern among professional students in malnad region of Shimoga district: An concern
Author(s): Chindala Laxman Reddy, I.J.Kuppast, T.Veerashekar, N.S.S.A.Valli KanagarlaThe objective of this study was to describe and examine the branded medicines used by professional students, awareness, and trust in medicine system reasons behind self-medication, drug information resources danger findings and knowledge of drug profile. A total of 150 students belonging to malnad region of Shimoga district were recruited randomly from two different institutions, Shimoga Institution of Medical Science and National College of Pharmacy. An inclusion criterion was 17 years and above. A total of 22 students were excluded in accordance with the exclusion criteria like in complete information. The prevalence of self-medication among professional students was 84%. About 81.97% students have a positive trust in allopathic medicines, 81.82% students learnt self-medication fromdoctors prescriptions provided during their prior illness. 16.65%were smokers, 12.74%students with chronic problems, who were considered in danger findings. For about 44.93%students knew drug interaction.Most of the self-medication was for condition like headache, fever, cough, cold, gastrointestinal infection, mouth ulcer and throat infection. The results were based on feed backs which were provided by respondents included in the study. The percentage of self-medication may change with locality and region. The prevalence of self-medication among professional students in Shimoga district was high. This descriptive survey shows that the majority of professional students have a poor knowledge about appropriate self-medication and the knowledge of benefits and risks was also not adequate. This issue needs to be addressed by the responsible authorities.
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