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Screening of the anti-nanobacterial activity of essential oils and extracts of some edible plants

Author(s): K.Abo-El-Sooud, M.M.Hashem, A.Q.Gab-Allaha

In the present investigation the anti-nanobacterial activity of twenty five extracts and oils of edible plants had been evaluated for their abilities to inhibit the in vitro multiplication of nanobacteria (NB), isolated from human kidney stones. Amodified micro-dilution inhibitory test was used to achieve the unique growth conditions and long multiplication times of NB. Thismethod included an inoculation of 96-well plates and determination of inhibition by periodic measurement of the absorbance for 30 days inDulbeccoÂ’s modified EagleÂ’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% gamma-irradiated fetal calf serum (-FBS) under cell culture conditions. Bactericidal or bacteriostatic plant effects were distinguished by subsequent subculture in extract-free media and monitoring for increasing absorbance. For screening of anti-nanobacterial susceptibility in each tested plant, both positive and negative controls were set to determine MIC (minimuminhibitory concentration) andMBC (minimumbactericidal concentration) values. Among all essential oils sesame, cinnamon and almond oilswere found to be highly bactericidal at 250 µg/ml whereas cinnamon was the most potent bacteriostatic oil at 31.25 µg/ml followed by sesame and anise oils. Fromall extracts, fenugreek, sewak and black cumin were bactericidal and only khella had bacteriostatic against NB. The results reflect a hope for the development of many more novel chemotherapeutic agents or templates from such plants which in future may serve as an alternative medicine.

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Citations : 1106

Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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