Screening of some enzymes and nutrients in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) root
Author(s): M.G.Sarowar Jahan, M.Shaela Pervin, M.Belal Uddin, N.K.Sana, M.Habibur RahmanActivity of various enzymes in three different varieties of radish viz. BARI Mula-1, BARI Mula-2 and BARIMula-4 available in the local area was assayed. BARIMula-1 showed the highest â-amylase, invertase, cellulase and peroxidase activity,whereasBARIMula-2 and BARIMula-4 showed highest â-galactosidase and protease activity, respectively. The amount of total protein and water soluble protein along with other nutrients like carbohydrates viz. total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, starch, sucrose and fats were also investigated. The highest amount of total protein was found in BARI Mula- 4 and the lowest in BARI Mula-2. The maximum amount of water soluble proteinwas inBARIMula-2 followed byBARIMula-1 andBARIMula-4.The variety BARI Mula-1 contained highest amount of total soluble sugar (TSS) and reducing sugar, while BARI Mula-4 possessed highest amount of starch and sucrose.Among the varieties, the BARI Mula-1 was found to contain the highest amount of lipid.
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