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Role of Bioinformatics in Biotechnology

Author(s): Kumar A and Chordia N

Bioinformatics is the use of computational approach to analyze, manage and store biological data. The research in biotechnology especially that involving sequence data management and drug design occurred at a speedy rate due to development of bioinformatics. A number of tools and software are developed for analysis and interpretation of biological complexity. There are number of applications of bioinformatics viz. sequence analysis and alignment, molecular modeling, docking, annotation and dynamic simulation to accelerate the biotechnological research. It is expected that many future bioinformatics innovations are likely to stimulate analysis of vast biological data. Here, in this communication, we have tried to explain the importance of bioinformatics in various fields of biotechnology viz. genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, cheminformatics, climate change studies, drug discovery and development, waste cleanup, bioenergy, crop improvement, veterinary sciences, forensic sciences and biodefense.

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