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Rhynchophorus Palmarum L. Larva, an Edible Insect in C�´te D'ivoire : Nutritional Value and Characterization of the Lipid Fraction

Author(s): Grodji Albarin Gbogouri, Grah Avit Maxwell Beugre, Kouakou Brou, Ocho Anin Atchibri and Michel Linder

There is a very serious worldwide nutritional problem due to foodstuff deficiency affecting low income groups living in rural areas and slum zones in urban cities, however there are many sources of underused staple not enough investigated on in spite of their enormous importance for a very large group of people.

The aim of this study is to assess nutritional quality of the palm tree grub called Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (larva) edible insects available and consume at Côte d'Ivoire, to inform the population about the benefits of health they provide and promote their intake on a daily diet basis. Proximate and chemical analysis was carried out on the larva, larval protein and oil of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. Chemical score of proteins was also evaluated. The following data were obtained: crude proteins 7.1%, lipids 21.8%, carbohydrates 9.0%, Ash 0.8%. Proteins were rich in the essential amino acids (with histidine, threonine, lysine, phenylalanine) with a high protein score (from 90% to 172%). The limiting amino acids were leucine, valine and methionine, with a score ranging from 53% to 74%. The oil had a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (52.4%), part of which were essential fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acids. Results suggested that Rhynchophorus palmarum larva could be a basis of new food or feed products to improve their nutritional value and to highlight the health status of people of Côte d'Ivoire.

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