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Review on Heterogeneous Electron Transfer in Graphene Electrode with Redox Couple

Author(s): Betelihem Gesese*

Graphene is a single sheet of graphite structure and excellent properties, making it attractive for a variety of electrochemical applications. Graphene electrodes are different electrochemical response at varies electrochemical activities such as unique electronic properties, enhance surface area, structure and chemical stabilities. Electrochemistry of grapheme general behavior of grapheme but studies in this review only heterogeneous electron transfer of electrode of graphene such as EPPG, BPPG, q-graphene and ML-GPET with redox probe. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is a versatile electro analytical technique for the study of electro active species. Heterogeneous electron transfer of graphene in fast at different functionalization or doping of graphene. A detailed study has been conducted using different graphene electrode with redox probe for electron transfer reaction. Edge and base plane graphene electrodes are for different redox couple transfer information different electrochemical response. In the presence of outer sphere redox probe small change electrochemical response in different graphene electrode in other word in the presence of inner sphere redox couple there is different electrochemical response and also PH is affect different heterogonous electron transfer of graphene electrode at different solvent. The voltammetric response of inner redox couple is very inhibited by the presence of COOH-terminated GNF at pH < 8, especially in low ionic strength solution. The very high density of carboxylic acid groups of the c-GNF flakes and the absence of other oxygen-containing functionalities allow us to specifically investigate the effect of these highly charged and acidic groups on electrochemical response.

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