Report on blight disease of Semecarpus kathalekanensis caused by Curvularia geniculata
Author(s): M.Chandrashekar, K.N.Madhusudhan, T.S.Avinash, B.N.Sathish, S.Raghavendra, C.G.Kushalappa, H.S.PrakashThe leaves of Semecarpus kathalekanensis showing the leaf blight symptoms were collected from the seedling nursery maintained for the reintroduction into the forest. The leaf blight symptom bearing leaves were subjected for standard blotter test for the detection of pathogen. The identified pathogen was confirmed as Curvularia geniculata based on the colony and spore characters. The isolated C.geniculata spores were subjected to pathogenicity test in the nursery. The pathogenictity result confirms the C.geniculata is responsible for blight disease in the nursery of S.Kathelekanensis.
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