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Removal of Reactive Yellow Dye using Natural Coagulants in Synthetic Textile Waste Water

Author(s): G. Vijayaraghavan, R. Rajasekaran and S. Shantha Kumar

Wastewater treatment is one of the major problems faced by textile industries. Treatment of wastewater is one of the biggest problems faced by textile manufacturers. By using natural coagulants, considerable savings in chemicals and sludge handling cost may be achieved along with production of readily biodegradable and less voluminous sludge that amounts only 20-30% that of alum treated counterpart. The present study, discusses about the usage of natural coagulants extracted from Moringa oleifera and Strychnos potatorum. These coagulants are very effective for the removal of colour in the synthetically prepared textile waste water. The percentage colour removal for the dye solution using natural coagulants was found out and it was compared with the commercially used coagulant, alum. The maximum percentage of colour removal using alum, Moringa oleifera and Strychnos potatorum was found to be 83%, 89% and 93%, respectively. From these results, it is evident that the natural coagulants are more effective than the commercially used coagulants.

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Citations : 9398

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