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Reactor Modeling And Simulation Of Catalytic Reforming Process

Author(s): S.Sadighi, S.R.Seif Mohaddecy, S.Zahedi2, H.Bonyad

One of the most important and critical processes in petroleum refineries is catalytic reforming in which high octane gasoline and valuable aromatics such as benzene, toluene and xylene (B.T.X.) are produced. In view of the importance of this process for producing gasoline, simulation of catalytic reforming process and prediction of vital parameters such as octane number, liquid hour space velocity (LHSV), reactor inlet temperatures, yield and catalyst life aiming at process optimization is of prime importance. In this work, the oldest kinetic model mentioned for this unit is reconsidered. The accuracy of the model is compared with the collected data from Tehran refinery and results of Petro-Sim simulator, one of the newest for simulation of petroleum refinery processes. The results show that this model has relatively acceptable ability to predict octane number, outlet temperature of reactors and yield.

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