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Quantitative Complexometric Determination Of Palladium(II) Using 2-Thiazoline Thiol As A Selective Masking Agent

Author(s): Nityananda A.Shetty, P.Parameshwara, J.Karthikeyan, Prakash Shetty

A simple, rapid and accurate complexometric method for the determination of palladium(II) is proposed, based on the selective masking property of 2-thiazoline thiol towards palladium(II). In the presence of diverse metal ions, palladium(II) is complexed with excess of EDTA and the surplus EDTA is back titrated at pH 5-5.5(acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer) with standard lead nitrate solution using xylenol orange as indicator. An excess of a 0.2% aqueous solution of 2-thiazoline thiol is then added to displace EDTA from Pd(II)-EDTA complex. The released EDTA is titrated with the same standard lead nitrate solution as before. Reproducible and accurate results are obtained in the concentration range 0.5mg -15.30mg of palladium with relative error of ±0.17% and coefficient of variation not exceeding 0.33%. The effects of diverse ions are studied. The method is used for the determination of palladium in its complexes, catalysts and synthetic alloy mixtures.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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