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Proximate analysis of the edible part of the African walnut (Juglans spiecie)

Author(s): K.Ajewole, M.A.Abibu, A.A.Taleat

The juglans spiecie of the African walnut was collected from three major towns in Osun state and a local market in Abia state. Both the raw and boiled samples were analysed, the percentage range of the results are: moisture content 4.30 -4.50, 5.00 – 5.20, ash content; 7.00 – 7.10’ 6.20 – 6.30; 6.50 -6.60; crude protein 17.73 -17.75, 25.27 – 25.30; crude fibre 6.50 – 6.60, 6.00 – 6.20; crude oil 56.55 – 56.60, 53.95- 54.00 and carboyhyrate 25.72 – 25.80, 20.77 – 20.78 while the range values of the following minerals inmg/100g are Ca 40.06 – 40.07; 41/06 – 41.00,Mg 55.50 – 56.00; 57.40 – 58.00, P 460.00 – 460.66; 470.55 – 470.95; these were the major minerals while Cu, Fe, Zn,Mn were also detected at low concentrations. The oils were also analysed and 75% of the oil was found to be unsaturated.

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Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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