Prevention is better than Cure- AIDS: A Short Review
Author(s): Mujahid Mohammed and Farah GhaniAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first described but undiscoverable its clinical entity in 1981 in which the goal remains the same, though at first lifestyle and behavioural factors were hypo the sized to be causally related, finally in 1983 the HIV was identified as the true cause of AIDS. Since the first identity approach to HIV infection shows a divergence in structure and its pathogenesis still emerges as an HIV epidemic and so far resulted in 70 million infections and 35 million deaths in the developed and under developing countries around the globe. HIV infection increases the risk of several autoimmune diseases; the most frequent damages concern the several other organs are the concern. As for as concern on the antiviral therapy and condoms can help to reduce the immunological impact of the disease but it brings up uncountable disadvantages—not the least of which is that they are also good job at which they were originally developed, namely contraception. For those who wish to have children, condoms thus pose a dilemmatic situation. So two recent pieces of news, one scientific and one administrative, are particularly welcome the present review article focus on the prevention is better than cure most deadly disease in the globe to overcome.
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