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Preparation and use of C-TiO2 for Photocatlytic Degradation of Azure-A

Author(s): Preeti S. Pillai, Dinesh I. Prajapati, Rakshit Ameta and Yasmin Ali

The photocatalytic degradation of xylidine ponceau was carried out by using Well-Dawson catalyst in the presence of light. Well-Dawson catalyst was synthesized by using cupric chloride dihydrate, chromium chloride and sodium tungstate. It has been utilized for degradation of xylidine ponceau dye. A 200 W tungsten lamp was used for irradiation. Progress of the reaction was followed kinetically by measuring absorbance of the reaction mixture at various time intervals. The effect of variations of different parameters like pH, dye concentration, amount of semiconductor and effect of light intensity on the rate of degradation was also observed

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