Preliminary phytochemical investigation of antibacterial extracts from Moricandia arvensis growing in Algerian Sahara
Author(s): Abdelaziz Berreghioua, Abdelkrim Cheriti, Nasser BelboukhariAn investigation by disc diffusion method of antibacterial activities made it possible to know that the aqueous extract from Moricandia arvensis leaves showed a significant inhibition against all bacteria tested. Diethyl ether and Chloroform exracts had only one activity against Enterococcus faecalis and Listeria monocytogenes respectively, whereas the methanolic and water extracts exhibited the highest inhibition of Pseudomonas aereginosa. The activity seems to be due to the presence of flavonoids, tannins, cardinolids, saponins and alkaloids in the extracts.
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